Tune into 104.3FM (ABC FM) every Monday from 6.45am and hear whats news in the upcoming edition of the Sentinel...
ROBINVALE - EUSTON 80KM SKI RACE 2020 - Times, dates, local trading deals and all the rest of it...
JOE & RUBY BOND 77 years together - On Tuesday the 25th February 2020, JOE and RUBY BOND celebrated 77 years of married life. They were joined on the day by some family in a small gathering at the Riverside Hostel where Joe is recuperating from a recent operation. Ruby is now in the Nursing Home but was able to visit the Hostel to be with Joe on this special occasion. Joe plans to return to his home in Ronald Street once he has recovered.
Doctors in Schools Program - Robinvale College on Wednesdays between 10am to 2pm
· make primary health care more accessible to students
· provide assistance to young people to identify and address any health problems early
· reduce the pressure on working parents
As well as...
New Staff at Schools
St Mary’s Swimming Carnival
Antonio’s Camel
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